Daily Archives: August 5, 2017

Today’s Shoot

It was great to finally get back to filming today. The weather was beautiful, and the temperature was comfortable. I had to change my original plan for the scene, though. I wanted to get some footage of the couple walking up to the ticket booth at the theater downtown to get tickets for a movie. Unfortunately, the theater would not give me permission to do this. Although the first manager I spoke to agreed, by the time we were ready to shoot the scene another manager came out and told me I did not have permission to film without contacting the corporate office first. I get it. Corporations are very careful with their image and branding, but it’s still frustrating. I’m not making this film for financial gain. It’s not a television show or a major motion picture. I was going to be careful to not film any employees during the scene. Anyway, we decided to get some footage of the happy couple walking around downtown and admiring some of the sights. This means I’ll have to make some more changes to my script, but that’s okay.

This was the next to the last flashback scene to be filmed. I plan to film the last flashback scene at a restaurant, but I’m going to call or visit the restaurant way in advance to make sure it’s okay to film there. Since it’s a local restaurant and not some big chain, maybe they won’t have a problem with it.

Each scene I shoot puts me one step closer to finishing the project. I’m thankful for every little bit of progress.


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Posted by on August 5, 2017 in Uncategorized


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